Where I live


I live in a place that is wide open, an expanse where I can see for miles, so it seems.

Where I live, I feel I can relax, the pressures and thoughts of the day melting off my body.  There is no hustle and bustle, there is calm.  I see the stars in the sky, so many I can’t even count.  Breath in, breath out…  peace.

Where I live, I hear the coyotes at night in the winter, see their tracks across a fresh blanket of snow.  The crickets chirping, the frogs singing their songs of love, letting us know that spring is here.  The fields of lightning bugs twinking, shining against the darkness.  I live the beauty of nature.

At home, I can just be…


About peanutrwco

My memories are something that I treasure. Some memories I want to capture in writing because I want to be able to share them from generation to generation, others are just something I want to keep in my heart. Whether it's something that just happened or something that happened years ago, I want to have it to keep.
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13 Responses to Where I live

  1. Tara says:

    This is so beautiful! I really want to go see it. I especially liked the third paragraph with the animals. Crickets either soothe me or drive me crazy.

  2. dmurphy2013 says:

    We both wrote about our homes today! Funny. This piece really captures your feelings about your home. The power of place – just like Mallory wrote about. Well done.

  3. erinjohnson7 says:

    I love the idea of your blog writing about memories!

  4. tsudmeier says:

    Beautiful piece about home. I’ve been trying to write one about my home and it just isn’t coming out the way I want it to.

  5. jhaworthoy says:

    This brought back memories of my home growing up. How nice to be able to see the myriad of stars that the city lights block out. I liked how your pressures and thoughts of the day would melt off your body.

  6. I can feel your love and connection to your home. It sounds serene.

  7. jen b. says:

    Your home sounds like the home where I grew up, and now go back to visit my family often. For all of the reasons you wrote about, I love that home that will always be. Your post stirred up the emotions for me that I wanted to experience this weekend, but I had to cancel my trip home due to the flu! 😦 Thanks for bringing a little piece to me!

  8. elle1955 says:

    This evokes such a peaceful feeling. I feel my shoulders relax.

  9. The line “Where I live, I hear the coyotes at night in the winter, see their tracks across a fresh blanket of snow.” brought back so many memories. When I was young I remember listening to the coyotes howl. Your writing painted a beautiful word picture.

  10. ccahill2013 says:

    I feel like I just read something by Cynthia Rylant! Well done Rachel!!

    • peanutrwco says:

      Thanks, Carrie! I did it in class and have been working on it since. It was a writing we did in our notebooks based on House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (I love her).

  11. WOW – I had an image in my head long before you picture – and your strong connection to your home – not just as a place to live but as a place to be – comes through clearly in this piece.

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